What To Do if an Adult Tooth Gets Knocked Out

The basic first aid techniques you learned at home or in school probably didn't cover what to do in a dental emergency. Fortunately, it's never too late to learn about dental first aid. If your tooth is ever knocked out, follow these steps and call Dr. Jorge Ferreira of Sonrisa Dental in Santa Fe and Los Alamos, NM, for emergency dentistry treatments.

First aid for knocked-out teeth

A tooth can be knocked out when playing sports or during a car accident, fall or blow to the face. If you act quickly and follow these steps, it may be possible to reimplant your tooth.

  • Clean the Tooth: After you find the knocked-out tooth, hold it under clean running water to remove dirt and debris. Don't handle the tooth by the root or scrub it to remove dirt.
  • Put the Tooth Back: Put the tooth back in its socket after you rinse it. If it won't fit easily, don't force it. Instead, place it between your teeth and gums.
  • Place the Tooth in a Covered Container: If you can't put the tooth back or keep it between your teeth and gums, place it in a closed container filled with your own saliva, milk, or water. it's important to keep the tooth moist while you travel to the Santa Fe and Los Alamos, NM, dental office for your emergency dentistry appointment.

If you've put your tooth back in your mouth, don't use that side of your mouth to chew. In fact, it may be best to avoid chewing until you've seen the dentist. Your chances of successful reimplantation are best if you see the dentist within one hour after your tooth was knocked out. Your dentist may splint the tooth to help it reattach. You may also need a root canal, a procedure that removes the pulp inside the tooth and replaces it with a rubber-based filling.

Emergency dentistry helps you protect your smile. If you've knocked out a tooth or experienced another dental emergency, call (505) 455-2176 to schedule an appointment with your dentist in Santa Fe and Los Alamos, NM, Dr. Ferreira of Sonrisa Dental.

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Jorge Ferreira DMD LLC




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